quotes of the day

-be an angel to someone else whenever you can, as a way of thanking God for the help your angel has given to you-

quotes of the day

-i wont waste my time making you my number one when you deserve to be my ONLY one-

dry cry

there will be a day with no more tears, my heart is dry.
i won't laugh and i won't cry
dry cry, even tears, even my heart cries.
but, who cares? who's fault?
no one but myself.
things do happen words can't explain
no matter what pain you've been through, tears will dry, broken hearts will heal, and somewhere out there the person who truly cares is waiting

.Done. XXX

i just wanna live

i just wanna live to see another day, simple and easy life. with myself and my love ones.
somewhere, peace and quiet.

i just wanna live stress free
.Done. XXX

here i am

here i am, laying here, on my bed. without any hesitancy.
rasanya udah lega, setelah muak seminggu UTS.
dan thanks god, UTS berjalan dengan lancar.
tapi nilainya ga tau lancar apa nggak. lol
sejauh ini yang ga tuntas cuma geo 68 :(
padahal udah ada usaha khusus untuk geo tercinta ini karena kemarin ga tuntas juga UAS nya, tapi yahh emang nggak ada bakat geo. katany yg tuntas 4 org aja? omg =='

masih bingung di antara jurusan IPA or IPS.
bingung juga antara keluar grup nari Haifeng or stay in Haifeng.
udah seneng bisa hidup sampe sekarang. ga pengen mikir macem" lagi,
beneran deh kalo di bilang cita" / tujuan, there is nothing in my mind.
i just wanna live simple and easy.

.Done. XXX

quotes of the day

-im not afraid of death, i just dont want to be there when it happens-


Hey, whatsupp?
Name : Supriyanti
Nick name : Khelly
Date of birth : Batam, 04 febuary 1998
Height : 160 cm
Blood type : B
School : Maitreyawira junior highschool
Religion : Buddha Maitreya
Phone number : 085765******
wanna know more?
follow me on twitter ; @supriyanti_x
and FB ; supriyanti tan
just chat me ^_^ thanks~

.Done. XXX

this mixed up world

What is the meaning of life in this mixed up world?
Full of hopes and dreams, but how many come true.
All I want is happiness, is this just too much to ask?
So many emotions and feelings that run through my veins.
The feelings of emptiness, I often express
Within myself, I often regret.
But what happened to the love, happiness and peace
So many should share?
I search high and low; too try find my fair share,
But how often do I succeed?
Lets just say it’s rare.
So off on my journey I go again,
To search for what I deserve and not what I despair.

.Done. XXX


yah ini dia, detik" menuju UTS, besok =='
UTS kali ini luar biasa juga ada 3 hari yang ujiannya 3 mapel.
udah mau gila mikirny, untung ada istirahat sekitar 1 jam jd d rmh ga usah belajar lg.
tp y belajarny harus ngebut dong
semua mapel belajarny d skul, kecuali bio & geo yang bahanny luar biasa banyak dan rumit
kayakny cuman sy sendiri yg masih belum belajar, yang lain udah pada belajar soalny. dr kemarin malah belajarny =='
kalo dalam kasus sy, belajar semakin mendekati detik" terakhir, semakin bisa masuk, apa lagi pas 5 menit sebelum bel. apa yang di baca, langsung inget semua. jd kalo belajarny hari ini percuma aja.
mending santai" dulu.
iya nggak? :D
besok ujian indo - komputer - geografi.
ya, bener, malam ini cuma belajar geografi doang.
doakan sy y :)
semoga UTS kali ini bisa tambah rajin belajar (masa sih?) wkkkk
kita lihat, bener gak sih hasil tes IQ kemarin. kalo bener, seharusny ga belajar pun bs tuntas kan?
udah mulai ngaco nih.

.Done. XXX

quotes of the day

-be like a tree; people throw stones at it but it throws down fruits at them-

tear drops

A drop of rain
A golden tear
Trough lakes and valleys
And eyes of fear.
Tears fall like rain
As pupils dilate
Eyes growing wide
As reality nears.
Hazed vision
Shaking hands
As tears fall
From these swollen glands

.Done. XXX


sayangny, besok udah harus seleksi anggota haifeng yang ke shenzen, jadi terpikir lagi, sebenarny sy itu ada niat pergi atau tidak. kalo d pikir", sebenarny ga mau pergi sih.
sy ikut nari kan ga serius" banget, cuma pengen mencoba yang baru aja. ga ada niat ke mana" gt sih sebenarny. kecuali ke O mei, baru sy serius mau ikut.
Yang bisa pergi cuma 30 orang max. sy kan masih amatir, jd kemungkinan terpilih cuma 20% kali y.
lagian, ntar ke shenzen nginepnya bukan di vihara, tapi asrama. ngapain coba =='
jadi nggak niat.

o y, semalem udah berhasil split. seneng banget ^_^ sayangny, cuma bisa sekali doang, percobaan berikutny udah ga bisa lagi. hhaha, y sudah lh :(

ngomong", senin UTS. arrrrrrrrgh, paling benci yang namany ujian. temen" pada ga ada yang bisa d ajak bercanda. pasti pada serius belajar semua O_o temen yg paling setia cuma laptop doang.

.Done. XXX

quotes of the day

-there are two ways to get everyone to hate you. either do something really wrong, or do something really right-


akhirnya pulang juga ke rumah setelah 3 hari berada di vihara.
udah ngantuk + capek + ga ada tenaga lagi.
tadi habis latihan nari soalnya. dan sekarang baru sampe rumah =='
kangen sama laptop ku tersayang :* muah
walaupun capek, tapi lega jugaaaaa~
home sweet home
tapi, hari senin udah UTS. stress, belum UTS aja udah stress. padahal cuma mikirin UTS mau belajar ato nggak. pada akhirnya, ga bakal belajar juga (belajar di sekolah) =='

.Done. XXX

this stranger

There is this stranger I feel so much for
As days go by, I want him more.
By his side, That’s where I want to be
In his life for the world to see.
.Done. XXX

you say

You say you love me,
I love you.

You say you need me,
I need you.
You say you want me,
I want you.
You say you trust me,
I trust you.

So why do I feel like this,
The way I do?

.Done. XXX


hy sobat blogger,
hari selasa hari nyepi ya?
pas banget libur, tapi sayang besok ga sekalian di liburin aja. tanggung soalny,
buat 2 hari ke depan kayakny ga bisa ngeblog lagi nih.
habis, ada acara di vhr. mau xian gong, hari selasa + rabu.
besok udah nginep ^_^
semoga lancar lancar aja deh.
tapi, akhir akhir ini kok jadi ngerasa lumayan deket ama beberapa kakak kelas ya? >:(
jadi takut ntar jd banyak gosip lg
o ya, hari sabtu besok udah seleksi yang tim nari haifeng untuk ke china. doain y semoga sy kepilih.
walaupun kemungkinannya cuma 20% sih, tp gpp. harus semangat

.Done. XXX

quotes of the day

-not all scars show, not all wounds heal. sometimes we cant always see, the pain someone else feels-

how i feel tonight

This is how I feels I lie here tonight,
Why do I feel it?
So many reasons inside.

I’m lonely because I’m lost,
Lost because I’m confused,
Confused because I’m scared,
Scared because I’m hurting,
Hurting because I’m fearful,
Fearful because of the pain.

But why the pain?

Is it because I love too much?
Or is it caused by trust?
I will never know the answer
As this tear washes it away.

.Done. XXX


confused, bingung banget ntar mau ipa atau ips.
sendiri sih pengennya ips, jd nggak sesulit ipa, dan bisa lebih santai, karena sendiri juga males belajar + males  yang serius-serius.
hidup di bawa santai dong,
tapi, banyak yang nyuruh ipa, termasuk guru yang dari dulu memotivasi sy, pak irfan.
tapi, kalo emang sy ga sanggup di ipa, ya ngapain juga, ntar malah ga naik kelas.
januari kemarin ada tes bakat + minat dan IQ.
hasilnya, ga jelek-jelek banget sih.
khusus IQ, lumayan lah. ada yang bilang 151/154/157, intinya 150-an, sendiri juga ga yakin masa iya setinggi itu, apalagi saya the highest score waktu test kemarin. masa iya? temen yang lain aja udah ga percaya apa lagi saya. terus di bilang daya ingat sy yg paling bagus? masa iya?! orang paling ga bisa hapalan juga =='
minat = ipa
bakat = ipa juga
ya ampuuuun, pokoknya dari faktor di luar, semua menuju ke ipa.
tapi faktor dari dalem, pengenny masuk ips aja. bukan demi mapelnya, tapi demi santai-santainya
udah muak banget terlalu serius, terlalu banyak pikiran. yes, thats me

.done. XXX

quotes of the day

- never regret anything because at some point, you wanted it -

quotes of the day

-some men find the need to love 100 women, but a real man finds a 100 ways to love 1-


ini dia hari paling nguras energi. pagi pagi, dateng ke sekolah (vihara) buat belajar, pulang jam 4. sampe di rumah jam 5, karena ikut bus sekolah. jd muter muter dulu. sampe di rumah buru buru mandi lagi, ngemil dikit soalnya dari pagi belum makan. sampe jam 6, balik lagi ke vihara, mau saoxiang + latihan xian gong. selesai jam 9, sampe di rumah jam 10.
dan lebih senengnya lagi, di rumah udah ditunggu oleh bertumpuk tumpuk pr yang harus siep besok.
seneng ga? seneng dong.

.Done. XXX

quotes of the day

-laugh when you can, apologize when you should, let go of what you can't change. life's too short to be anything,, but happy-

quotes of the day

-if you are with the right person it brings out the best version of you-

quotes of the day

-wishing to change the past is only wishing to change who you are now-

quotes of the day

-someone out there wants exactly the kind person of you are, complete with all the flaws and failings you come with-

quotes of the day

-it's mind over matter. i don't mind and you really don't matter-