
hari hari tanpa gitar bikin nambah galau aja :(
berasa ga ada tujuan hidup.
lah, emang kalo ada gitar, ada tujuan hidup? nggak juga sih. tp, minimal bisa lebih happy dikit.

udah jam segini, lumayan membosankan tanpa ada yang ngajak ngechat. udah tidur semua kali ya?
udah, bicara ama tembok aja.
jadi terpikir saat saat imlek kemarin. tidak seperti yang diharapkan. padahal sbelum imlek itu udah seneng banget, tapi,,,,, waktu udah pulang kampungny itu nyesek banget.
*hari pertama imlek malah hujan
*sepi banget
*ngebosenin banget
*dan berbagai faktor lainny

uhhh, pengen lupain aja.

.Done. XXX

Mandarin utsp

ini dia lagu buat UTSP mandarin,
paling benci kalo d suruh nyanyi. untung nyanyiny boleh duet.
thanks god,
baru denger aja sih laguny, tp partner gue mau ny lagu ini. ya sudah lahh~

.Done. XXX

quotes of the day

-the most crippling failure is excuses-

quotes of the day

-there is always a wild side to an innocent face-

so sad

it was the first time and the last time.
sebenarny pengen lanjut terus belajar gitarny, tapi, kalo emang udah ga lancar jalanny, y mungkin kapan-kapan aja ya.
sebenarny sih, sy yang ga mau belajar ama dia lagi. kan udah mau UTS, anak IPA lagi tuh. takutny ngerepotin dia-ny. apalagi dia bilangny pengen ngejar nilai. ya mau gmn lagi, ga mungkin nyusahin orang terus. 
a little bit disappointed :( but, ya sudah lah~

.Done. XXX

quotes of the day

-life is about changing for the better, to become the best. if you have to let go of some people along the way, go right ahead-

happy birthday CL

ini dia nih yang lagi birthday hari ini, CL from 2NE1.
band cewek paling gue suka di kpop.
2NE1 ini sebelas dua belas lah ama Bigbang.
bedany paling 2NE1 ntuh versi cewekny, Bigbang versi cowokny.
dan Bigbang itu buat lagu sendiri (leaderny, GD, yang bikin lagu), kalo 2NE1, di buatin.
CL ini rapper juga. chic style-ny itu kece banget pokokny :D
keep support 2NE1

.Done. XXX

quotes of the day

-some people accidentally walk on your feet and apologize, while others stomp all over your heart and don't even realize-


pagi bangun, ngecek hp bentar, langsung latihan gitar. habis itu mandi, latihan gitar lagi, makan, latihan gitar lagi. udah sore mandi, latihan gitar, habis itu makan, latihan gitar lagi.
kesempatan waktu senggang gini emang harus dimanfaatin sebaik-baikny. ga terasa udah malem, tapi ga nyesal seharian latihan gitar. soalny senin ampe jumat ga bakalan ada waktu mau latihan gitar.
pokokny hari ini harus latihan ampe mantap banget, biar minggu depan ga lupa lupa lagi. hhehe

.Done. XXX

quotes of the day

-who needs a prince, when you can have a warrior-


hari ini kesel banget, hhaha
dari pagi bangun jam 10 lebih. di HP, ada yang ngajak ke MM rayain ultah, ada yg nyuruh kerja kelompok.
tp, sendiri pengenny stay di rumah dulu, ntar malem baru ke vihara buat lihat acara.

demi tanggung jawab, akhirny buru buru mandi siap siap buat pergi kerja kelompok. habis mandi, lihat hp lagi, katany batal. seneng sih, soalny males jg prgi vhr jam segini. lalu, lanjutin siap siap lagi pergi ke MM, ternyata dengan segala tetek bengek yang udah di atur rapi, akhirny d bilang ga usah dtg ke MM lagi.
nyesek gak tuh.
ntar malem di rumah juga, ada acara keluarga. (singkatny; ga jadi ke vihara lihat acara)

tp, ga pa pa, mending di rumah latihan gitar sepuas"ny.

Fuck everything, because of im here with my love.

.Done. XXX

quotes of the day

-To truly forgive,,, means to truly forget-

.Done. XXX

quotes of the day

-i am an author of my life. unfortunately i'm writing in a pen and i can't erase my mistakes-

the day i begin learning guitar

i supposed to be in a badmood, but thinking of you makes me being more sad.
beneran grateful banget kko bisa dateng ngajarin saya main gitar, walaupun lagi sakit.
sebenarnya kesel sih waktu everything went all wrong,
tapi, lebih kesel lagi waktu kalo kko masih sakit, tapi malah dateng ngajarin sy.

beneran deh hari ini tuh (bahasa alay-ny) kayakny hidup jadi lebih benyawa. hhaha, hari ini pokokny jadi fell in love banget ama yang namany gitar & music. susah sih belajarny, tp seneng dong pastiny di puji cepet belajar sama guru yang satu ini.

hari ini udah hapal kunci dasar C D E F G A B Cm Dm Em Fm Gm Am Bm
lumayan~ hhaha
sekalian belajar yg bass sedikit juga. + lagu i'm yours by jason mraz, ya tentuny dalam versi yang lebih mudah dan bagian yang mudah saja. (cuma dalam 4 chord) lol

hhah~ pokokny hari ini puas beud belajar gitarny. semangat terus pokokny!

.Done. XXX

(Big Bang) 하루하루(Haru Haru) - Sungha Jung

nah ini dia lagu yang pengen sy mainin pertama kali, tapi kok kelihatan susah ya?
gpp deh, intiny ada niat dan usaha. jia you! ^_^

.Done. XXX


kakak kelas yang dulu hampir ga kenal dan sekarang udah jadi guru gitar saya, hari ini ga masuk.
baru menyadari nggak lihat dia, jadi ga seru. lol
katanya sih masih ga enak badan, bandel sih. hhaha
mm, get well soon ya ko.
semoga besok bisa ngajarin sy main gitar :D

.Done. XXX

quotes of the day

-tears are the silent lullabies that carries you to sleep. heartaches that your soul just couldn't keep-

.Done. XXX

Happy birthday VJ

a special day,
hari ini bestfriend lagi ultah, namanya Valensia Jasmine.
ini temen uda dari SD dekatny, pokokny udah klop banget sama cewek cantik ini. lol
love you :*

.Done. XXX

quotes of the day

-What makes you different, makes you special. Don't ever change to fit someone else's needs-

.Done. XXX

quotes of the day

-memories are what you are making right now-

.Done. XXX

why is he so perfect?


Too perfect!! he is GD from BIGBANG. a korean male group under the management of YG Entertainment. The group consist ;
- GD <kwon ji yong> = leader + rapper +dance
- TOP <choi seung hyun> = rapper +dance
- Taeyang <dong young bae> = vocal + dance
- Daesung <kang dae sung> = vocal + dance
- seungri <lee seung hyun> = vocal + dance

.Done. XXX

(Yiruma) River Flow in You - Sungha Jung

so cool!

.Done. XXX


my favorite GD's solo MV!

English Translation

Walking on the street, I bumped into your man (Yeah I saw him)
I didn’t want to believe it, but my hunch turned out right (I told you)
He’s not wearing that ring you gave him, there’s another girl by his side
But I’ve said enough (I don’t wanna hurt you)

Now you’re getting angry with me (Why?)
You say “He’s definitely not that kind of person” (Sure you’re right)
Seeing your eyes, I reply that I probably got it wrong
See, I lied for you (I’m sorry)

I hate that you don’t understand me
I hate all this waiting
Let go of his hand (break it off with him)
When you’re sad, I feel like I’m dying

That XX, what does he have that I don’t
Why can’t I have you
That XX doesn’t love you
How much longer are you going to cry yourself silly?

When you speak of him, you look so happy (you look happy)
It’s good that you can be this happy (I’m happy)
You say you really love him, want to be with him forever
You trust him completely (I don’t know what to say no more)
Your friends all know that guy (yup they know)
It’s so obvious, why can’t you see (it’s you)
They say love is blind, Oh baby, you’re so blind
Please, I beg you, break it off

Oh I hate that you don’t understand me
I hate all this waiting
Let go of his hand (break it off with him)
When you’re sad, I feel like I’m dying

That XX, what does he have that I don’t
Why can’t I have you
That XX doesn’t love you
How much longer are you going to cry yourself silly?

Expensive cars, beautiful clothes, high-class restaurants, they all suit you well
But that XX beside you, he doesn’t suit you, he really doesn’t
He smiles like a hypocrite with you, brushing your face and hair
But he’s thinking of another woman for sure, how dare he
The amount of tears you’ve cried, I want to make you happy by the same amount, baby
Rather than going through the pain alone, share some with me, baby
Please look at me, why can’t you realise that I am your love
Why are you the only one who doesn’t know

That XX, what does he have that I don’t
Why can’t I have you
That XX doesn’t love you
How much longer are you going to cry yourself silly?

That XX, what does he have that I don’t
Why can’t I have you
That XX doesn’t love you
How much longer are you going to cry yourself silly?

.Done. XXX

quotes of the day

-Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right-

.Done. XXX

sorry, i lied

I’m sorry that I lied,
I'm sorry that
I hurt you
I'm sorry that 
We had a fight

I’m sorry I made you cry,

I’m sorry I fell in love with him,
I’m sorry it made you sad,
I’m sorry for all the break ups,
I’m sorry for all the games,

'Are you happy now? ' you asked me

And I wanted to tell you 
I have nothing but pain 
and more pain
all over again
I hate myself once more
and I wish the only place I was right now
was in my cold grave

Am I happy now? 
No, I'm not…

Please say the words

I'll forgive you

.Done. XXX


hari ini saking bosenny jadi pengen ngeblog terus.
pengen cerita banyak juga.
mungkin cerita tentang gitar aja kali y,
pertama kali pengen belajar gitar? pas SMP. waktu itu sempet obrak abrik youtube, sampe terakhir ketemu 'someone' main gitar kece banget. dari sana, langsung pengen banget belajar. tapi, karena banyak halangan inilah, itulah. akhirny, kesampaian belajarny baru sekarang.
belajar ny sama kakak kelas yang baik hati ini. lol. namany, ko kevin.
kenalny udah lama sih, tapi deketnya baru sekitar 2 minggu lah. tapi makin hari makin deket aja, makany sekalian minta di ajarin main gitar.
agak ga tau diri sih gue, masa baru kenal aja uda minta di ajarin main gitar? udah, ga pa" dari pada niat belajar main gitarny ga kesampean terus kan.

.Done. XXX

Quotes of the day

-too fast to live, too young to die-

.Done. XXX

still in holiday

liburan yang cukup membosankan.
pas sebelum imlek, sempet ngeluh liburan cepet banget. but now, it feels like im dying here. dying of boredom.
ga sabar pengen masuk sekolah.
ga sabar ketemu temen temen and having fun lagi.
ga sabar mulai belajar gitar.
udah lama pengen belajar gitar, akhirny kesampean juga. ntar belajar ama kakak kelas, semoga lancar-
lagu yang paling pertama pengen d pelajarin tuh "Bigbang_haru haru"
"Bigbang_haru haru" ini lagu pertama Bigbang yang bikin sy tergugah. LOL

what do ya think?

.Done. XXX